Little Movers- Selling with Toddlers
Everything is more stressful when coupled with taking care of little ones. Selling your house and moving already adds stress into your life, and trying to accomplish everything with little kids can seem like an insurmountable task.
Here are some tips for listing your house when it occupies babies, toddlers and young school-age kids.
1. TOYS!
The abundance of STUFF that accumulates with kids is tremendous. Moving is a good time to purge toys, books & clothing that are no longer used. When staging a house for sale it is a good idea to box up a majority of the toys and leave those that are considered their favorites. Leaving those out in a family room or bedroom is acceptable as long as they are organized and don’t take up too much space. The de-cluttering rule of thumb applies here as well- less is more.
Finding time to get the house ready to sell when taking care of children is difficult. If at all possible give yourself ample time to meet with your agent and discuss what needs to be done to get the house ready to show. Develop a plan and a schedule. You don’t want to list the house until it is ready to be shown- give the best first impression. If you are on the fast track, make a list of things you can do yourself and try and hire out some of the bigger jobs. Take a weekend to get all the work done and ask for help with the kids. It is a good time for grandparent bonding.
Keeping the house presentable at all times in case of a showing is stressful. Ask your ask agent to request 24 hours notice for a showing to ensure you have enough time to tidy up and vacate with your kids when the house is being shown. If you are willing to do late-notice showings, keep a snack and activity handy to grab and go when you need to leave- one less thing to worry about.
This time of day can be hard if your baby naps in the afternoon. There are different time slots an agent can choose for an open- a little earlier in the afternoon or a little later. Keep in mind that you want to schedule your open house when it is expected and convenient to prospective buyers. Maybe you can spend the afternoon at a friend or relative’s house to try and keep the baby’s schedule in place.
For more tips on Moving with a Toddler check out this link on Life As Mama.